Speaker Interview: Hilary Fosdal

Here at WordCamp Northeast Ohio, we are pretty big fans of the Lifehacker series “How I Work”. We asked our speakers to do a WordPress take on that idea, and thus was born “How I WordPress”- a series where some of the best minds in WordPress share a bit about their process with our readers/attendees.


Hilary Fosdal



Current Gig

Owner of Red Phone Studio


Current Computer/Why

MacBook Pro, 15-inch w/8GB memory | It’s super reliable and easy to carry to client meetings, coffee houses or to my couch.

What apps/software/tools can’t you live without?

On my phone: The Weather Channel, Gmail, Gmail calendar | On my laptop: Sublime, Dropbox, iTunes, MAMP, Transmit, TweetDeck


What’s your best time/effort-saving life hack?

Don’t hit the snooze button on your alarm. Get up or turn your alarm off and go back to sleep and get the rest you need.

What’s your favorite to-do list method?

Every morning make a to-do list of what you need to get done that day. At the end of your work day, create a new list based on what you need to do the next day when you sit back down at your desk to get started. Revisit/reassess the list in the morning. Pen and paper are my to-do list tools of choice.

After your phone and computer, what gadget can’t you live without? Why?

iPod – I listen to podcasts during my runs and long drives.

What everyday thing are you better at than everyone else?

Hanging out with my dog Zed. You can meet him over at zedthedog.com.

What do you listen to while working?

Public radio, classical/symphony, opera, techno/dance or nothing at all.

What are you currently reading?

I’m working my way through the Sword of Truth series written by Terry Goodkind.

What sort of work are you up to now?

Encouraging web designer and agencies to introduce more process/project management into their businesses, starting with a robust client intake form.


WordCamp Kent is over. Check out the next edition!